Wryn birthday girl

A little girl liked my lollipop Christmas cards, so when her birthday was coming up, I had to make one of these for her! I used Wryn Birthday Girl by Tiddly Inks and coloured it up with Copics. A little bit of glitter was needed and she loved it!

Copics used: (skin) E000, E00, E04, E21,  (hair) E71, E74, E77, E79, (purples) V01, V04, V06, V09, (yellow) Y13, Y19, Y38, YR18, E08, (green) YG61, YG63, YG67, (ground) W1, W3, W5

30. Pionsettia lollipop card

Two days ago I had an inspirational post up at Copic Marker Norge where I was showing off two cards made with the same image. The first one appeared here on the 28th and the second is due today. This one is a lollipop card. If you click on the image to the right you can view the post where I added the first of these, which was a clean and simple card. Using one image on two completely different cards is quite fun to do actually!

The image for these two cards was the pretty pionsettia by Power Poppy. I’ve used various paper from Papirdesign, Lemoncraft and Maja Design for this one. Some memory box showflakes in red glitter, cheese cloth and white acrylic paint help make up the card.

Copics used: (red) R22, R24, R27, R59, R89, (green) YG00, YG03, YG63, YG67, (yellow) Y13, YR16, E08, (background) E43


Here is a photo of the two next to each other. As you can see, I have also angled the flower a bit different on the two projects.

27. Gingerbread girl on a lollipop card

Time for another lollipop card. I decided to make this one in green with a bit of gold, white and brown. Maja Design and LemonCraft papers with a dash of acrylic paint, some Memory Box snowflakes, distress ink, frantage and card candi. The lovely little chipboard is by Make it Crafty which I coloured with the same YGs as the clothes on the little girl and the cute stamp is by C. C. Designs.

Copics used: (green) YG61, YG63, YG67, YG99, (skin) E000, E00, E04, E21, (brown) E71, E74, E77, E79, (grey/white) C1, C3, (hair and gingerbreadman) E41, E42, E43, E44.

25. Blue Christmas at last

The last couple of projects I made were in my usual Christmas favourite, blue. I even used the same stamp for them both, where I coloured the clothes in the same colours. She got a different hair colour though. The stamp is by C.C. Designs. I found these gorgeous Maja Design papers right before Christmas and they are the perfect colour for the blue I wanted for Christmas.

The usual twine and charm is accomponied by card candi and acrylic paint. I’ve added a lot of distress ink and frantage to the image itself.

Here both projects are side by side. If you’d like more details about the lollipop card you can view that post here as it went up a few days ago.

Copics used: (skin) E000, E00, E04, E21, (hair) E41, E42, E43, E44, (brown) E71, E74, E77, E79, (blue) B91, B93, B95, B97, B99


I’ve entered this card into the following challenges:

Scrap from your heart – Lag på Lag

21. Girl with tiny snowman on a lollipop card

So there has been one thing missing for the most of this month. Something that usually appears quite often on my blog during December. Blue Christmas cards! Let’s try to make up for that a little by having a blue lollipop card!

I had a lot of fun making the lollipop card I showed off earlier this month. So much that I’ve made some more to use as Christmas cards for some of my co-workers! For this one I used a totally adorable stamp from C.C. Designs and a whole bunch of Maja Design papers. I even used two of the sentiments that come on the bottom of these papers!

With a dash of acrylic paint, distress ink and frantage, with a snowflake die, cheese cloth and some card candi, it was all good to go!

Here is how the back of it looks. I made the Christmas greeting on the computer and cut it out after.

Copics used: (skin) E000, E00, E04, E21, (hair) E08, E18, E19, E97, (blues) B000, B91, B93, B95, B97, B99, (brown) E71, E74, E77, E79