Baby girl christening card

It’s time for my inspirational card for this month’s Copic Marker Norge challenge. Our theme this month is special occasions focusing on christenings, confirmations and weddings. I opted for a digital stamp by Mo’s Digital Pencil and made a christening card for a baby girl. I’m not a massive fan of cards with pink upon pink so I opted for a few different colours in the papirs and on the embellishments.

The papers I’ve used are from Maja Design and Papirdesign, flowers from Wild Orchid Crafts and other bits from my stash.

Copics used: N0, N1, N3, E000, E00, E02, E13, E15, E41, E42, E43, E44, RV00, RV02, RV17, RV32, RV34

Little bunny

I’m back up on the Copic Marker Norge blog again today. As it’s been so many Christmas cards lately I thought I’d mix it up with a Christening card. I love using Lili of the Valley stamps for those types of cards, so that’s what I’ve done here, too!

As it was a December event, I’ve kept a winter theme in the papers I’ve used. It is mostly Maja Design papers, but it’s possible one of them is Papirdesign as well. I lost track a bit in the massive production of cards at the start of December, I admit. The cute little charm is a bit difficult to see in this photo, but it’s a little pram and it’s super adorable!

Oh, and a little tip. Lili of the Valley is having 60% off on their stamps until New Year. What a great deal, right?! I know I’m getting me some more stamps at least!

Copics used: N0, N1, N3, B9, B93, B95, B97, B99, E41, E42, E43, E44, W0, W1, W3

Baby girl in buggy

I seem to very rarely get to make baby cards for baby girl; it’s always boys, boys and more boys. Then suddenly I got asked to do two almost at the same time. As with the other card I’ve chosen to hide the name of the baby.

The image I’ve used on this is by Wee Stamps. Isn’t it cute? I’m quite happy with the shading on it and tried to keep it soft and simple. I made a border around the image using flowers from Wild Orchid Crafts, some cheese close and punched out some leaves and butterflies with Martha Stewart punchers.

Here is another photo of the card laying down

Copics used: (skin) E000, E00, E04, E11, (hair) E53, E55, E57, E59, (buggy) RV00, R81, R83, R85, R89, W0, W1, W3, W5, W7, 100, (bird) B000, B81, Y00, Y04, Y17

Baby girl

I was asked to make a card for a christening. I’d previously made one for this lady so wanted to make this one similar. To the right here you can see the boy card I made previous that this one is made to match.

The image I’ve chosen is by Mo’s Digital Pencil and is coloured in with copics. Flowers are by Wild Orchid Crafts and Live and Love Crafts, and the lace is from LLC as well. I am pleased with how the cards are reasonably similar, but yet a little bit different. I’ve deliberately hidden the name as I don’t like names of people showing on my cards in case they don’t want it displayed.

Copics used: (skin) E000, E00, E04, E11, R20, (hair) E51, E53, E55, E57, (dress) C1, C3, C5, RV00, R81, R83

Baby boy

It has been a bit quiet on the blog front for me as of late. On the card front, too, actually, as my mojo is still off somewhere. I am however still able to make the odd card. This is a baby boy card I made using a super adorable Mo Manning image. Everything is coloured with Copics. The flowers are from Wild Orchid Crafts and Live and Love Crafts.


Copics used: (skin) E000, E00, E04, E11, E21, (hair, I think was..) E53, E55, E57, (outfit) C1, C3, C5, B0000, B000, B00, B91