LLLC: Cozy Christmas

Second day of the release week at La-La Land Crafts and today I wanted to show you this awesome moose. I’ve named him Chris, because… you know… Chris Moose. Yup, my humour is terrible and I don’t care! Anyway, back to the card at hand! I’ve used lots of the new goodies and they’re all linked below. This time I went for a cold winter themed card and the snowflakes stencil is just perfect for it! You need to have it, really!

Cozy Christmas clear stamps
Happiest of Holidays clear stamp

It’s snowing

Reindeer Head
Curved Pocket
Jingle Bells Wreath
Long Flags:
Merry Christmas

Copics used: (moose) E41, E42, E43, E70, E71, E74, E77, (outfit) W1, W3, W5, B91, B93, B95, B97, (cup) B32, B34, B37

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