RAM paper plane

It is time for my second DT project this month for Rachelle Anne Miller. What also happened today is that MFT Stamps has announced that from the start of February they will be selling Rachelle’s illustrations as stamps! How cool is that? For today’s project I’ve used the paper plane with the two kids. I made this card inspired by a card I made last autumn and hand cut the stamp for a change. I used two distress oxides for the sky together with a self-made circle stencil and MFT’s cloud stencil, and then I put the clouds, plane and sentiment on form pads

Copics used: E00, E02, E13, E15, E42, E43, E44, W0, W1, W3, N5, N7, N9, BG11, BG13, BG15, BG18, BG78

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