
While searching for a tool to make tiny circles with I got somewhat side tracked and ended up purchasing not one, not two, but three floral punches! I’ve been looking at getting some since I started with scrapping, so as soon as the order arrived I started punching out flowers aimlessly. Today I’ve finally had a bit more time, and got some random inspiration to make a card. Last week I was on two smaller hiking trips and loved the colours surrounding me. That is where I’ve gotten the inspiration for this card.

Feeling completely zombied this morning I started colouring a stamp image, one of my favourite motives. The mouse on a daisy, a Tina Wenke image by Stampavie. Once that was done the rest went very quickly. I picked yellows and greens for the paper and added some orange with the punched flowers. Of course I had to use punched flowers on the first card!


I tried to get the inside to match the front somewhat, and I am really pleased with how the whole card turned out. This time I even remembered to take the photo before writing on it!

autumn, middle

It’s nearly a month and a half since I made the last (and first!) cards and I am surprised how easy it was to make this. Although, I am certain that purchasing the cutter, which cuts both straight and scalloped edges helped immensely!

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