Paper Nest chickens

About a month ago Christine of Paper Nest Dolls asked if I’d like to make a card for her. Of course! I’ve seen her cute images around for a while, just never gotten around to colouring any of them. This was the perfect excuse! I picked this adorable image with three little chickens. They’re great, aren’t they! It is called Little Chicks Emma.

The papers and sentiment are by Lili of the Valley, flowers by Wild Orchid Crafts and Live and Love Crafts which is also where I purchased the lace. The image has, as usual, been coloured up with my Copics.

Copics used: (skin) E000, E00, E04, E11, R20, (hair) E41, E43, E44, E47, E49, (chikens) Y000, Y04, Y08, (dress) Rv00, R22, R27, R81, R83, R89, Y000, Y04, Y08, C1, C3, G40, G82, YG03, (grass) YG03, G82, G94, G99, (sky) B0000, B000, B91. And a white gel pen.

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