Party girls

Someone special had her birthday recently and this seemed to be the perfect image for her birthday card. I used one of my favourite stamps by Stamping Bella and coloured it in with copic as usual. If you’d like to get a similar glittery effect as I have on the dresses, then the technique is the same as I’ve got in the sparkly dress tutorial (which you can find a link to in the tutorial section).

I’ve used a die from Papirdesign, and text stamp by Huldra Stamps. The card is kept mostly clean and simple, just the way I like it.

Here is card laid down flat.

Copics used: (girl on the left) E41, E42, E43, E000, E00, E02, E13, E15, B0, R22, R24, R27, R29, R59, (girl on the right) E08, E18, E19, E49, E97, E000, E00, E02, E13, E15, BV20, BV23, BV25, BV29, RV52, RV55, RV66, B0

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