PFS Early Tulip Bouquet colouring video

I have made my first post for the Picket Fence Studio blog today and because of that I’ve made a new colouring video! In the video I am colouring up Early Tulip Bouquet (this and following links are affiliate links). To make the flowers really pop I’ve used kraft paper and my Prismacolor Pencils, as usual.

I have used the following Prismacolor Premier pencils:
Yellow: 914, 916, 1011, 1002
Orange: 1003, 118, 922
Pink: 928, 929, 1030, 937
Green: 989, 912, 109

Here is the finished card I made using said colouring. I’ve also used combined the Slim Line Oversized Hello word die with a plain text sentiment from the Animal Crackers You Deserve to be Spoilt set. The cut out the die five times and glued them together for dimension and used foam tape for the plain text sentiment. To finish it all off I used three sequins from the Vintage Bulbs sequin mix.

I hope you enjoyed the video and I wish you all a great week. Happy Monday!

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