Yesterday I got up early with great anticipation. I was going to my first craft show!
I had no idea what to expect. All I knew before going was that there would be a Lili of the Valley stand. It was through their website I found out about it in the first place. I had looked to see what was happening at the show, without much luck. There were two shows in one; one for stitching and one labelled Hobby Craft. It was taking place at Glow in Bluewater, Kent. Half an hour drive from here. With that as our starting point we took off, figuring that if it wasn’t as expected we could always go hopping in the mall instead.
Merely stepping into the Hobby Crafts section told me that we would be there for quite some time! The stands were packed together, overloaded with things to look at and stash to purchase. My wallet was already screaming Continue reading “My first craft show”