Birds making bunting

My first blog post made from my phone. I am on holiday, but thought I would attempt to add a blog post anyway as I didn’t have time to schedule any before I went. Bare with me if looks horrible, I will fix it when I am home next week then.. heh. Typically I have gotten a nasty cold, lost my voice and cough all the time… oh well, right.. πŸ™‚

Anyway. A simple card made with a lovely pre-coloured Lili of the Valley topper. The sentiment stamp is also by them. I purchased the ribbon at Bikuben and the small colourful circles are card candy by Craftwork Cards.


Bunting everywhere

The road sweeper just went by outside. Does that mean it is finally spring? We have had a fair bit of rain recently to melt away the remaining ice as well. Another couple of weeks and perhaps the temperature will be decent as well!

Today I have a card for an occasion called konfirmasjon. It was requested by a work colleague. I used pretty much every crayon in the box here, and I love how it turned out. The image is by Krista Smith at Saturated Canary. It is definitely one of my favourites! I have used a ton of different copics to colour it so I won’t list all the different pens. If there is any you’d like the name of just ask in a comment below. The paper is from Papermania. The butterflies and leaves are made with Martha Stewart punchers. All the sentiments are my own. The bunting and twine are by Helz Cuppleditch; I found them in Range when I was over in England this Easter. I believe the ribbon was bought from The Hobby House and as always I have used flowers from Wild Orchid Crafts.

Β card192_1

This card has been entered into the following challenges:

Saturated Canary – Anything goes
Copic Marker Europe – Girls aloud
One Stop Craft Challenge – Colour inspiration
Nordsalten Hobbyklubb – Festlige begivenheter
Party Time Tuesdays – Colour inspiration
Scrap-a-long – Konfirmasjon
Papertake Weekly – One paper taker
Cute Card Thursday – Cakewalk

Oh wow! I won a prize at Party Time Tuesdays for this card! Woo!


Autumn party

Wooo! My first entry in the Copic Marker Norge summer contest got me though to the second round! Ok, that was about a month ago now, but the deadline for the second entry is tomorrow, so I still have time! The requirements were to follow a sketch, and then the dreaded ‘use yellow’. Miss Yellow and I don’t get along, that is why it has taken me a month! That is my excuse and I’m sticking to it!

Continue reading “Autumn party”

Party hardy

Today’s card is something different. For once I have ventured into the land of bold colours. My main intention here was to try to colour the stamp in with bold colours, not really planning to use it for anything but practicing colouring and shading. However, I ended up liking it so much that I made it into a card and started colouring two more images with bold colours. It was actually easier than I had anticipated.

Continue reading “Party hardy”