RAM Ballerina girl

Time for my first Rachelle Anne Miller project of the year. I’ve chosen one of her adorable girly stamps, a little ballerina. You can find the stamp in her shop here. The whole panel has been coloured up and then I’ve used a stitched rectangle die, embossed a sentiment and added three enamel dots as the only embellishments. The panel itself has been added with foam tape to raise it up from the card base a little.

Copics used: BV0000, BV000, BV00, BV01, BV02, BV04, RV63, RV66, RV69, YG01, YG13, YG17, YG67, Y32, Y38, E00, E02, E13, E15, E21, E23, E25, E27, E29, E49

Big hair and circular card

So, I found another use for my Silhouette Portrait 2, yey! Circular cards! I’ve been wanting to make them for a while, but haven’t gotten around to ordering dies big enough. Now I’ve made a file that makes sure it doesn’t cut through the top so the card can be opened, and it has a tiny bit at the bottom cut off too so that will stand firmly on the surface. I’m pretty pleased with both the size and shape of the base as well as the size of the circles inside.

I used a QuicKutz die by Lifestyle Crafts for the big scalloped circle and LaLa Land Crafts die for the smaller one which is framing the main image. The image with all that hair is by Krista Smith and Saturated Canary. I’ve had it for quite some time, but only got around to colouring it up for the 30 day colouring challenge. All the papers are by Maja Design which I’ve painted with acrylic paint as usual. I used cheese cloth and printed out a small sentiment to go with the Birthday die cut from LLLC. I absolutely love that text die, it’s so pretty! If you don’t have it already, you might find that you need it, just sayin’!

Here you can see the card from a side on view. As usual I’ve not decorated it inside. It stands pretty well and doesn’t slide or roll πŸ™‚

Copics used: (hair) E70, E74, E79, E49, BV00, (skin) E00, E02, E04, E13, E15, (pink) R39, R81, R83, R85, RV00, (green) YG01, YG13, YG67, (grey) W3, W5, W7, (purple on bottle) BV02, BV04

Wryn with dandelion

There is a big new Tiddly Inks release today! New clear stamps, new digital stamps, new awesomeness! There is no secret I love me a bit of Tiddly Inks and I think I might have a new favourite! I thought I would show a card with her today, because she is super cute! She is called Wryn Wishes.

I did, as I have done a lot lately, decide to make a clean and simple card. CAS card are quickly turning out to be my new favourite, and they take no time to make at all! This one I did with a printed sentiment, a border stamp from Neat and Tangled which I used blue memento ink on, and a background paper from Lili of the Valley. The image is coloured in with Copics as usual.

Copics used: (hair) E70, E71, E74, E77, E79, (skin) E00, E02, E04, E13, E15, (pinks) R20, R22, (green) YG01, YG13, YG63, YG67, G99, (sky) B32, C1, (yellow) Y13, Y38, E97

I will be back with a new card tomorrow!

Hello there, butterfly

I went out yesterday and purchased me another Magnolia stamp, or… a few, actually! I know what I am like with rubber stamps, though, so I quickly stamped up a few of them to have them at hand before I forget all about even buying them… Before I started on the image I had decided I wanted to do one with loads of layers, and pink. Because I haven’t done pink in a while!

As usual I’ve coloured it in with Copics, the pink candi is also coloured with Copics. I’ve used a bunch of Maja Design papers, cut out the text sentiment, used a Tim Holtz charm, some Wild Orchid Crafts flowers and a bit of white acrylic paint and frantage. I had to cut out the image by hand as I’d managed to stamp it up so terribly it couldn’t stay with its background, haha.

Let’s take a closer look of the girl. It was a bit fiddly to cut it out by hand!

Copics used: (skin) E000, E00, E04, E21, (hair) E41, E42, E43, E44, (white) W0, W1, W3, W5, (pink) RV00, R81, R83, R85

This card has been entered into the following challenge:

All about Magnolia – All about anything goes
Magnolia-licious – Anything goes
Midweek-Magnolias – Anything goes
Lovely hΓ€nglar or sweet Magnolia – Anything goes

Shy Violet

It is Tuesday and time for a new Tiddly Inks challenge. This time it is anything goes!! How easy, right?! Or in my case, super hard! I spend far less time choosing an image when there’s a specific theme, than I do when I can choose whatever I want. I am awkward though, I know…

In the end, the decision fell on Shy Violet. The listed stamp is not just one, but two stamps. I used the other stamp, the flower, for my release card, and I thought it was time to use this cutie as well! All coloured in with Copics, of course. I went for a rather pale look for once, which I tend to find hard to do.

The papers are Lili of the Valley which I cut out using GoKreate dies and distressed the edges with purple. To jazz it up a bit I used extra distress ink on the second background and added frantage to some of the layers. The decorations are made with various goodies from Noor Design (the butterflies), Wild Orchid Crafts (the flowers) and Live and Love Crafts (the pearl chain, the berry flower and the lace). The ribbon I purchased online from a dress shop. Isn’t it pretty?!


This card has been entered into the following challenges:

Craft your Passion – Anything goes
Incy Wincy Design – Tic Tac Toe
Allsorts – Use at least 3 Die Cuts

Copics used: (hair) E53, E55, E57, (skin) E000, E00, E04, E11, E21, R20, (outfit) V91, V93, V95, V99.


Thank you so much for the honour choosing my card for your top 5. Thank you, Incy Wincy Design!
